Posters 2022

  • Jasper Roctus (Languages and cultures) “Modernist Protestantism” Triumphs “Chinese Superstition”: How Blue China’s Sun Yat-sen Overthrew the Yellow Empire (poster)
  • Heidi Goes (Languages and cultures) A historical-comparative approach to phonological and morphological variation in the Kikongo Language Cluster with a special focus on Cabinda (poster)
  • Greet De Baets, Sofie Decock & Ellen Van Praet (Translation, interpreting and communication) Aikidocommunicatie, belichaamde training voor professionele interculturele interactie (poster)
  • Peter Coutros, Jessamy Doman, Koen Bostoen (Languages and cultures) An Archaeology of the West-Coastal Bantu Homeland (poster)
  • Kris Demuynck, Véronique Hoste & M. Claire Van de Velde (Translation, interpreting and communication) Burgerpraat: een citizen science project over artificiele intelligentie en gesproken taal (poster)
  • Roxane Vandenberghe, Veronique De Tier & Lien Hellebaut (Linguistics) De woordkaart als hapklaar eindproduct van een halve eeuw dialectonderzoek. (poster)
  • Nathan Fair (Archaeology) Defrosting “Frozen Music” at Etruscan Caere and Roman-Faliscan Falerii using Extended Reality (poster)
  • Davy Verbeke, Line Pattyn & Lien Vanmarsnille (Faculty library) Digital Literacy: Ufora Learning Paths: a transdisciplinary approach (poster)
  • Veronique Sanctobin & Jasja Valckx (Eduma) Duaal leren in de EDUMA: duurzame bruggen bouwen via co-creatie (poster)
  • GertjanOskar (MA student), drs.Anton Pereira Rodriguez, prof. dr. WouterDavidts (Art History, musicology and theatre studies) Eight Years: Work and Life of Joseph Kosuth and Cornelia Lauf in Ghent from 1990 to 1998. (poster)
  • Alexander De Soete, Stef Slembrouck (Linguistics) EMI and its Sociolinguistic Entanglement with Local Languages: Two Engineering Cases at Ghent University (poster)
  • Margot Fonteyne, Maribel Montero Perez, Joke Daems, and Lieve Macken (Translation, interpreting and communication) Google Translate in het vreemdetalenonderwijs: sensibilisering van lesgevers en leerders over het gebruik van automatische vertaaltools (poster)
  • Dr. BirgerStichelbaut, Prof. Guy De Mulder, Dr. Wouter Gheyle (Archaeology) Historische luchtfoto’s & moderne conflictarcheologie: een overzicht van valorisatieprojecten (poster)
  • Eline Daveloose (Linguistics) How AI can save endangered languages: the case of Cappadocian Greek and Woolaroo (poster)
  • Sari Goukens & July De Wilde (Translation, interpreting and communication) ICT-vaardigheden van verzoekers om internationale bescherming en disseminatie van (poster)
  • Marieke Vanbuel, Margot D’Hertefelt & Bart Deygers (Translation, interpreting and communication) Hoe effectief zijn NT2-trajecten voor volwassenen? (poster)
  • Davy Verbeke, Frederic Lamsens, Lise Foket, Christophe Verbruggen, Els Lefever, Gunther Martens, Sally Chambers, Pieterjan De Potter, Alec Van den broeck, Julie Birkholz, Fien Danniau, Tess Dejaeghere, Vincent Ducatteeuw, Hans Blomme (Ghent CDH) Madoc: easily enriching digital collections (poster)
  • Aline Guaus, Katrijn Maryns & July De Wilde (Translation, interpreting and communication) Meertalige website voor de registratie van verzoekers (poster)
  • Van den Berghe P., Lorenzoni V., Derie R., Six J., Gerlo J., Leman M. & De Clercq D. (Art History, musicology and theatre studies) Music-based biofeedback to reduce tibial shock in over-ground running (poster)
  • Dra Naïma Lafrarchi (History) Diversiteit en burgerschap in historisch onderwijspraktijk (poster)
  • Anne-Sophie Rouckhout & Rachele Ricceri (Literary studies) Reaching out from the Margins: Spotlighting Byzantine Book Epigrams in the Digital Era (poster)
  • Dr. Adeline Hoffelinck, Prof. Frank Vermeulen, Dr. Lieven Verdonck and Dr. Devi Taelman (Archaeology) A Roman town revealed: archaeological research at Falerii Novi (poster)
  • Isabelle Devos, Sarah Heynssens & Sven Vrielinck (History) S.O.S. Antwerpen. Hoe 750 vrijwilligers het historisch onderzoek naar doodsoorzaken vooruithelpen. (poster)
  • Ellen De Geyndt, Orphée De Clercq, Cynthia Van Hee, Els Lefever, Pranaydeep Singh, Olivier Parent, Veronique Hoste (Translation, interpreting and communication) SentEMO: een multilinguaal, zelflerend platform voor sentiment- en emotieanalyse (poster)
  • Lore De Greve, Gunther Martens, Veronique Hoste, Lars Bernaerts, Daan Vandenhaute & Henk Roose (Literary studies) Text Mining the Talk of Literature Surrounding the Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis: A Case Study in Domain Adaptation for German-Language Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (poster)
  • Stef Slembrouck, Mieke Vandenbroucke, Anne-Sophie Bafort, Sofie Van de Geuchte & Romeo De Timmerman (Linguistics) The new genre of telephone contact tracing in Flanders: interactional and pragmatic analysis for optimising professional practice (poster)
  • Roald Docter, Killian Regnier, Pieterjan De Potter, Christophe Verbruggen, Cornelis Stal, Piraye Hacıgüzeller, Koen Van Gelder, Guy Dierkens, Alain De Wulf, Bruce Hartzler, Georgios Verigakis, Sophie Duchène, Quentin Drillat (Archaeology) The Thorikos archive: digitization, annotation and operationalization of the legacy data collection (poster)
  • Lieve Macken, ArdaTezcan, Joke Daems & Bram Vanroy (Translation, interpreting and communication) The use of machine translation in real-life professional translation scenarios (poster)
  • Emelien Devos (Languages and cultures) What is kiasili(natural)? Studying changing foodscapes in West Tanzania from the perspective of Environmental Anthropology (poster)
  • Sofie Verkest, Seppe Goddaert, Geert Jacobs (Linguistics) Whose language? Metapragmatics and entextualization in citizen science (poster)
  • Davy Verbeke, Lise Foket, Christophe Verbruggen, Els Lefever, Gunther Martens, Sally Chambers, Pieterjan De Potter, Frederic Lamsens, Alec Van den broeck, Julie Birkholz, Fien Danniau, Tess Dejaeghere, Vincent Ducatteeuw, Hans Blomme (Ghent CDH) Werken aan digitale geletterdheid met Omeka S (poster)
  • Vincent Ducatteeuw, Lise Foket, Christophe Verbruggen, Els Lefever, Gunther Martens, Sally Chambers, Pieterjan De Potter, Frederic Lamsens, Hans Blomme, Alec Van den broeck, Julie Birkholz, Fien Danniau, Tess Dejaeghere, Davy Verbeke (Ghent CDH) What can the digital humanities do for you? (poster)