Call for posters

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During the LW Research Day we organize a poster/demo session at which all faculty researchers can present their research with a valorisation component by an academic poster (and a demo, if desired). All posters are presented in a poster hall enabling visitors to find interesting information for them. During the poster session, you are asked to be available to briefly explain your poster. All colleagues (predoc, postdoc or ZAP) are invited to participate in the poster/demo session.

The purpose of an academic poster is to present your research on the basis of one poster. Do you have no experience in creating a scientific poster? Call on a colleague, use the tips and tricks mentioned below or make use of a training session organized by the Doctoral Schools.

Preregister your poster

Format of your poster

Posters (in English or Dutch) have to be made in the UGent-template. This template is based on PowerPoint and is easy to edit. Many basic elements are already given, e.g. logos, color, frameworks, contact information, loading images, … (Only) within the grey box you can be flexible and creative. Use a computer that has the font “UGent Panno Text” installed. You can of course increase or decrease text or adjust the number of columns depending on your content. Maintain, however, the original set size. The final result should be saved as PDF.

Only posters using the corporate design will be displayed at the LW Research Day. For IT assistance, you can contact the faculty ICT department, by e-mail at

Submit your poster

Submit both the PowerPoint and PDF-version of your poster before Friday April 8, 2022. We will take care of printing and hanging your poster, free of charge.

Use Belnet Filesender to safely send both files:

  • Select UGent from the institutions list and click Select
  • Log in using your UGent credentials
  • You will be asked whether Belnet can use your credentials, click Yes, I agree
  • Enter the following information in the upload form:
    • To:
    • Subject: poster researchday + your full name
    • Select your files
    • Agree to the general terms and conditions
    • Click Send

You will receive a confirmation when the receiver has downloaded the file.


During the poster session (on April 28, 2022) you are asked to be available to explain your poster.

How to make an academic poster?

Tips and tricks may be found on: