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- Posters 2024
- De Soete Alexander; Slembrouck Stef (LW06 – Linguistics) Empirical insights into EMI in Flanders: Ethnographic approaches to studying agency and interaction in the classroom (poster)
- Van de Sijpe Alexander (LW07 – Literature) Postseculiere grensgebieden in de hedendaagse roman: interpreteren op de snijlijnen van religie en seculariteit (poster)
- Van Parys Amaury; De Wilde Vanessa; Macken Lieve; Montero Perez Maribel (LW06 – Linguistics) Developing a tool for analysing the lexical characteristics of second language input (poster)
- Baele Anthe (LW03 – History) Making new citizens with history: uses of the past in Flemish and Dutch civic integration courses. (poster)
- Deygers Bart (LW01 – Philosophy and Moral Sciences) Using ChatGPT as a tool for automated writing evaluation: impact on syntactic and lexical complexity (poster)
- Moens Bart; Maes Pieter-Jan; Lambert Peter; Blombeke Klaas (LW17 – Art History, Musicology and Theatre Studies) XRHIL: eXtended Realities & Human Interaction Labs – research infrastructure (poster)
- Vercruysse Bas; Ducatteeuw Vincent; Declercq Robrecht (LW03 – History) An OCR-workflow for semi-structured historical sources with limited training data: making economic data searchable (poster)
- Anderl Christoph (LW21 – Languages and Cultures) From Manuscript to Digital Edition: “The Ghent Database of Medieval Chinese Texts” (DMCT) (poster)
- Ahmed Elmozfar; Lindermann Colinda (LW21 – Languages and Cultures) Interpreting the Sources from Various Angles: Processes of Knowledge Production In Premodern Islam (poster)
- Manolova Divna (LW07 – Literature) COSMOPOET – Teaching the Cosmos in Poetry and Prose: Aratus’ Phaenomena and Cleomedes’ The Heavens in Late Byzantium (poster)
- Dutoo Dominiek (LW02 – Archaeology) The Heavens are Seven, the Earths are Seven: A spatial paradigm of religious belief structures in the archaeology of Bronze age Mesopotamia (poster)
- Lauro Eleonora (LW07 – Literature) Epigrams in Context: Glimpses into Medieval Southern Italian Book Culture (poster)
- De Cristofaro Elisa: Cenni Irene (LW01 – Philosophy and Moral Sciences) Interpreting multi-cultural and multi-lingual identities: the case of heritage speakers of Italian in Flanders (poster)
- Robbe Elisa; Sanchez Alexandra; De Wilde July (LW22 – Translation, Interpreting and Communication) ATLAM Exploring Audiovisual Transfer in Latin American Migration through Ethnographic Fieldwork (poster)
- De Haes Hanna; Ostiguy Chloe; Verbeke Gil; Simon Ellen (LW06 – Linguistics) Accents Uncovered: From speech to understanding in Second Language Phonology (poster)
- Forestier Eloïse (LW07 – Literature) Unearthing the French Connection: Transnational Swedish Feminism in Alma Åkermark’s periodical Framåt (1886-1889) (poster)
- Liu Shijie; Lefever Els; Hoste Veronique (LW22 – Translation, Interpreting and Communication) Terminology Annotation in the Maritime Domain: Evaluating BERT Fine-Tuning and Generative Language Model Predictions (poster)
- Van der Schueren Falco (LW03 – History) ‘Seloncq le coustume doudit pays de Haynnau.’ Een vijftiende-eeuws formulierboek als lens op de middeleeuwse rechtspraktijk in Henegouwen (poster)
- Danniau Fien; Debrulle Rein; Lamsens Frederic; Ducatteeuw Vincent; Van Herck Sytze (LW03 – History) Gent Gemapt – Give Space to History (poster)
- Chetti Jahid; Lamsens Frederic; Vandersteene Bo; Six Joren (LW03 – History) A text annotation building block (poster)
- Giannikou Kyriaki (LW06 – Linguistics) Dealing with Building Blocks of Expression: Formulaic elements & their creative variations in Byzantine book epigrams (poster)
- Kesteloot Lander (LW07 – Literature) Hermen-ethiek: een ethisch-narratologische interpretatie van seksueel sadistische verhalen (poster)
- Loporcaro Laura; Palladino Martina (LW03 – History) Approaching ancient texts in Germany ca. 1800: F.A. Wolf and A.W. Schlegel on studying Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit (poster)
- Trinco Letizia; De Simone Daniela (LW21 – Languages and Cultures) If stones and plants could speak: translating funerary monuments and the environment into a new historiography of the Nilgiri Mountains (South India) (poster)
- Kong Delu; Macken Lieve (LW22 – Translation, Interpreting and Communication) Decoding Machine Translationese: Assessing the Performance of Large Language Models in English-Chinese News Translation (poster)
- Bevernaegie Lise; Devos Isabelle; Gadeyne Sylvie (LW03 – History) Heart of the Matter: Investigating Socioeconomic and Environmental Inequalities in CVD Mortality (Belgium, 1890-2011) (poster)
- Zhang Longyu (LW21 – Languages and Cultures) Narrating the rules: A study of the dynamics of modal markers in Chinese Vinaya translations of the 5th century (poster)
- Ahmed Maaheen (LW07 – Literature) Children’s Magazine Contests: Skills, Chance, and Subscription Numbers (Snippets from the Alain Van Passen Collection) (poster)
- Caracciolo Marco; Adinolfi Simona; D’Amato Gabriele; Kavanagh Ciarán; Lambert Shannon; Vandewalle Alexander; Vanhove Jonas (LW07 – Literature) Literary Interpretation Beyond the Human: Narrative Form, Materiality, and Digital Technologies (poster)
- Van Oss Victoria; Duthois Thibaut; Montero Perez Maribel; Van Avermaet Piet (LW06 – Linguistics) From teachers’ eye gaze to uncovering language-stimulating strategies in preschool classrooms (poster)
- Van Praet Ellen; Delegrange Marie (LW22 – Translation, Interpreting and Communication) HET KLIKT! Een meertalige app voor de innovatie van communicatie in de zorg (poster)
- Dubois Marie-Charlotte (LW03 – History) The Pragmatic Reality of the Oldest Borough Charters. Of urban communities in the Southern Low Countries and Northern France (Late 11th – early 13th Centuries) (poster)
- Portoghese Massimiliano (LW21 – Languages and Cultures) Legitimizing Buddhism through the Body: On Robe, Posture and Tonsure in Early Medieval China’s Buddhist Communities (poster)
- Barbé Milan (LW17 – Art History, Musicology and Theatre Studies) Object-based organology: retracing the lutes development through artisanship (poster)
- Uelpenich Nina (LW03 – History) Retracing Ghent / Gent Hertekend (poster)
- Adenekan Shola; Oluwabunmi Tope Bernard; Bakenne Nureni Aremu (LW21 – Languages and Cultures) Network of Yorùbá Print Culture – “YorubaPrint” (poster)
- De Clercq Orphée; Kruijsbergen Joni; De Backer Fauve; Vandommele Goedele (LW22 – Translation, Interpreting and Communication) How to reliably assess Dutch writing skills: humans versus machines Hoe Nederlandse schrijfvaardigheid betrouwbaar beoordelen: mens versus machine (poster)
- Daelman Paulien (LW03 – History) (De)constructing vermin: interactions between agriculture and wildlife in the Low Countries (1780-1840) (poster)
- Wang Qianyu (LW03 – History) Mapping the changing relations between bishops and monastics in eleventh-century France (poster)
- Du Quanqi; Demeester Thomas; Hoste Veronique (LW22 – Translation, Interpreting and Communication) Beyond Kappa and Alpha: A Simple but Effective Method For Annotation Agreement Measurement and Prediction (poster)
- Ducatteeuw Vincent; Debrulle Rein (LW03 – History) Artemis. Digitale onderzoeksinfrastructuur voor historische kaarten van de Scheldevallei (poster)
- De Timmerman Romeo; Slembrouck Stef; Heyman Matthias (LW06 – Linguistics) Inference versus prediction: Interpreting machine learning results in (computational) sociolinguistics (poster)
- Pastore Rosina (LW21 – Languages and Cultures) Philosophy in the vernacular through King Jasvant Singh’s writings (17th c.) (poster)
- Devos Isabelle; Heynssens Sarah; Vrielinck Sven (LW03 – History) S.O.S. ANTWERPEN (poster)
- Van Herck Sytze; Foket Lise; Danniau Fien; Debrulle Rein (LW03 – History) Madoc as a Tool for Enrichment of Digital Objects (poster)
- Van Herck Sytze; Six Joren; Verbruggen Christophe (LW03 – History) Digital services for researchers (Ghent CDH) (poster)
- Duthois Thibaut; Van Oss Victoria; Montero Perez Maribel; Van Avermaet Piet (LW01 – Philosophy and Moral Sciences) Using mobile eye tracking in research on language acquisition in preschool classrooms (poster)
- Hacha Tom; Devos Isabelle (LW03 – History) Disentangling death disparities: a social analysis of cause-specific mortality in Antwerp (1820-1939) (poster)
- Delaby Gauthier; Hellebaut Lien; Vogl Ulrike (LW06 – Linguistics) Het DIRT-corpus als bron voor onderzoek naar informeel spontaan gesproken Nederlands (poster)
- Hou Wenshuai (LW22 – Translation, Interpreting and Communication) Power dynamics under interpreter mediation in police interrogation (poster)